Have you considered starting your own business? Or perhaps you have already started your own business, but you need advice and guidance to develop it? Our business advisors answer your questions about entrepreneurship, help you achieve your goals and succeed in business life.
We offer individual business advice, not just ready-made solutions
When you book an appointment for business advice, you get personal and professional advice according to your company's needs. You can talk to us about your business idea, business plan, marketing, finance, personnel management or other business-related questions. Our mission is to help you navigate in the business world and make the right decisions.
Advice for Establishing a Company and Seeking for Startup-Grant
At YritysVantaa, you can get advice suitable for your own situation when you wonder if entrepreneurship is for you. Personal meetings with a business advisor guide you towards entrepreneurship. We advise on questions related to establishing of a company and help you prepare a business plan and profitability calculations, as well as applying for start-up money.
Starting a company is an exciting and rewarding process, but at the same time it can bring challenges and work steps that sound complicated. With the expert help of our business advisors, you will ensure that your business starts on a strong foundation and that you, as an entrepreneur, do not have to deal with matters related to setting up and running a business alone.
What should be taken into account when starting a company?
Establishing a company in Finland requires certain measures, and depending on the type of company, different aspects must be taken into account. Each case is individual, so when starting a company it is recommended to consult a business advisor.
Listed below are some of the most common things we help business founders with:
- Choice of business form: In Finland, the most common forms of business are limited liability company (Oy) and private trader (Tmi) and in some cases open partnership (Ay) and limited partnership (Ky). Light entrepreneurship has also increased in popularity in recent years, even though it is not an actual form of business. Together, we can think about which business form best suits your business goals and needs.
- Business plan and financial calculations: We help prepare these documents, which describes your company's operations, competitors, products/services, marketing means, cost and sales forecasts and resource needs. A business plan and calculations help you outline your company's vision and give you a direction for starting operations.
- Registration and official matters: The company is registered in the Finnish Trade Register. In addition, in some industries, official permits are required before starting operations.
- Accounting and financial statements: We go through what your accounting needs and help you find an accountant that suits your operations.
- Employer's obligations: If you plan to hire employees, you must register as an employer and take care of the employer's obligations, such as salary payment, insurance and occupational health matters.
- Taxation: Business activities involve various tax obligations, such as income tax and value added tax (VAT). We will familiarize you with taxation matters on a general level.
- Social security: As an entrepreneur, you have to take care of your social security yourself. We go through the issues related to the entrepreneur's pension insurance (YEL) and you get contacts with pension insurance companies.
Business development of an existing company
As an active entrepreneur, you get information in various situations and in different stages of your company's life cycle. Such situations include company financing, changes of ownership, business development or internationalization. You can also take advantage of our free specialist clinics, such as the legal clinic and the owner change clinic. Our expert partners organize the aforementioned clinics approximately once a month, see our events.
You can get help from business advice in the following situations:
- Company financing: Our business advisers can help you find the right financing options and provide guidance, for example, in negotiations with investors. We can also guide you in preparing a business plan or financial statement. These are necessary to obtain financing.
- Change of ownership: If you are planning to sell or change ownership in the company, our advisors will direct you to experts who have expertise and from whom you can get guidance in going through the process. They can help you estimate the value of your business, prepare sales materials and find potential buyers. You will also get help with the legal and tax details of the exchange.
- Business development: With our business advice, you can develop your current business and find new growth opportunities. You will get help, for example, in developing marketing and sales strategies, customer analysis, product development and utilizing digital marketing.
- Internationalization: If you are considering expanding your business abroad, we can help you find international partners who can provide information about different markets and their special features.
Advice on Light Entrepreneurship
Light entrepreneurship is not a legal term, but a marketing name for the use of an invoicing service. In the consultation, you will get information on whether light entrepreneurship is a suitable solution for you. Light entrepreneurship is a flexible option if you want to test your business idea. It is especially suitable if you sell your own expertise on a small scale or as a side business.
How does light entrepreneurship differ from starting an actual company?
Light entrepreneurship is a form of doing business in which a single person can act as an entrepreneur without his own company. A light entrepreneur invoices his customers based on his own work input, but does not establish an actual company, that means he does not have his own social security number. Instead, the light entrepreneur works in cooperation with a company offering light entrepreneurship services, which handles invoicing, tax payment and other administrative tasks on behalf of the light entrepreneur.
When planning light entrepreneurship, it is good to talk to our business advisers. We can accurately assess whether light entrepreneurship is suitable for your needs and your industry. We can go through together the following things:
- Taxation: As a small business owner, you should be aware of your own taxation, even though the invoicing service handles the payment traffic.
- Recording income and expenses: You must carefully monitor and record all income and expenses related to your business. This makes it easier to manage taxation and enables a clear picture of the finances of your business.
- Responsibilities of an entrepreneur: As a light entrepreneur, you act like an entrepreneur, so you must be responsible for your own work and its final results.
- Insurance needs: The light entrepreneurship service can offer you some insurances such as YEL, but you should also find out if you need additional insurances, such as liability insurance or accident insurance.
Get in touch with us on a low threshold and book an appointment with business consulting experts
We help you get started in your entrepreneurial career and offer support once the operation has started. We are happy to meet entrepreneurs from all fields, and we are always interested in new business ideas and patterns. You can come to us with even a seemingly small idea!