StartUp grant

On this page you will find comprehensive information and answers to frequently asked questions about start-up grant. ​​​Book a free consultation to apply for applying startup-grant.

Start-up grant supports the entrepreneur's livelihood in the early stages of business operations. The discretionary nature of this support means that certain conditions must be met in order for it to be granted. Start-up grant for those living Vantaa is approved either by the Uusimaa TE office or Vantaa-Kerava municipal experiment (Vantaa-Kerava kuntakokeilu).


Start-up grant is an important support when you start building your own company and there is no established customer base yet. In our business advisory, you will get help with the grant application and we'll make sure that you have all the necessary information at your disposal. Don't hesitate to contact us and take advantage of the expertise of our business advisors!

You can get more information about the criteria for start-up grant on TE office's website . You may download the brochure in English here.

A business plan and financial calculations are required as attachments to the start-up grant application. You can download templates here:



Read more about start-up grant

Who can get starting money?

You can get a start-up grant if your business has the prerequisites for a profitable business. It would be good if you had previous experience in entrepreneurship or any entrepreneurial training. Support is not paid if your livelihood is secured in another way, such as salary income or other benefits, or if you immediately get a sufficient living from your business. Getting the grant requires a full-time entrepreneurship.

You can get start money if

  • your operation is judged to meet the conditions for profitability
  • you have sufficient competence (e.g. education or experience in the field)
  • your future business activity is your main business
  • you live in Finland and establish your company in Finland

When is the start money not granted?

  • Support is not granted if your business activity is estimated to provide you with a reasonable livelihood right away
  • You have already started a full-time business activity before the start-up grant has been applied for
  • You have payment defaults or tax debts. However, the authorities may still decide to grant support for special reasons.
  • The start-up grant is estimated to distort competition between your company and companies selling the same product or service, e.g. taxi industry

Does the corporate form affect receiving start-up grant?

All traditional business forms are acceptable. Start grant is approved for an entrepreneur who establishes a business name, limited liability company, open company, limited partnership or cooperative. The start-up grant is always the personal support of the entrepreneur, so several founders within the same company can receive the grant. Since it is aimed specifically at entrepreneurs, small entrepreneurs operating through the invoicing service are not entitled to start-up grant.

What is the amount and duration of the start-up grant?

  • The amount of allowance in 2023 is EUR 37.21/day, which corresponds to the basic daily allowance according to the Unemployment Insurance Act. The amount is approximately €750 per month.
  • The support can be received for a maximum of five days in a calendar week, and it is paid afterwards once a month based on your payment application.
  • The grant can be received for a maximum of 12 months. The decision is first made for a period of six months, and an extension of the starting money must be applied for separately.
  • The payment application must be submitted to the development and administration center for ELY centers and TE offices (KEHA center) within two months of the end of the payment period.

How do I apply for start-up money?

Applying for start-up money is relatively easy, but requires some preparation. You can get support from us for all stages of the application process. We help you prepare the attachments required in the application, e.g. business plan and calculations.

You will get concrete help from us in filling out the application, so you avoid mistakes and unnecessary work. You will also immediately receive answers to questions regarding, for example, your eligibility as a recipient of start-up grant and entrepreneurship in general.

Your application will be processed at the TE office/Vantaan-Kerava municipal experiment (Vantaa-Kerava kuntakokeilu). If your application is accepted, you will receive more detailed instructions on the payment of the starting fee.

  • Start money is applied for in the Oma-asiointi service of the TE office:
  • You always need a business plan and the company's financial statements as an attachment to the application for start-up money. You can get concrete help for preparing a business plan and financial calculations from YritysVantaa business advisors.
  • If your business requires external financing, the bank's loan decision/promise must be obtained before applying for start-up money. If necessary, business advisers also provide guidance in finding out financing.
  • Remember that you cannot start the actual business until you have received a decision on the start-up money. If you are going to apply for start-up money, find out about the application process in time.

You can get more information about the criteria for awarding start money on the website of the Uusimaa TE office or you can download the brochure here.

A business plan and financial calculations are required as an attachment to the application for start-up money; you can download their bases from our website under Materials.




How is the application for the continuation prepared?

The start-up grant is first given for a six-month period. You can also apply for an extension of another six months. 

Apply for an extension already at the end of the first period, as the extension cannot be granted if the first allowance period has already expired. An extension of is applied earliest 5 months after your allowance period started and latest within the first period. Do not send application too late as the application will be denied!

The following issues are evaluated when awarding the start-up grant for the extended period:

  • Has the business started as planned, for example in relation to the presented business plan and financial calculations?
  • Does the income from the business activity sufficiently secure the entrepreneur's livelihood, for example is there still a need for support?

As attachments, you need your company's five (5) months income statement and balance sheet (in Finnish tuloslaskelma ja tase).

If you have received your start-up grant in the Uusimaa region, you may book an appointment with YritysVantaa to prepare the extension application even if you don't live in Vantaa.